On Tuesday, April 5, 1994, a tragic school shooting occurred at Aarhus University in Denmark. Flemming Nielsen, a 35-year-old from Silkeborg who had been a student at the university since 1986, entered a university cafeteria armed with a sawed-off shotgun. In this horrific incident, Nielsen shot four female students, killing two of them.
The first victim, 24-year-old Birgit Bohn Wolfsen, was shot in the cafeteria. The remaining students managed to escape, avoiding further harm. Nielsen then proceeded to another cafeteria where he continued his rampage, killing 27-year-old Randi Thode Kristensen. Two additional students were wounded but fortunately survived.
Following the shootings, Nielsen retreated to a basement bathroom stall where he ended his life with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. An autopsy later revealed that he had taken Fontex (an antidepressant) before the incident. A suicide note found at his home expressed his inability to cope with life and his intention to kill others before taking his own life.
This tragic event remains the only school shooting in Denmark's history.
Quick Facts
Location: Aarhus University, Denmark
Date: April 5, 1994
Perpetrator: Flemming NielsenVictims: Birgit Bohn Wolfsen (24), Randi Thode Kristensen (27)
Wounded: 2
Outcome: Perpetrator committed suicide